

North Dakota Renaissance Faire 2024

Hello! This was the 3rd annual North Dakota Renaissance Festival and the second year I've gone! The friends I went with last year invited me again and I've been looking forward to this for months!

I didn't do too much different from my fit last year. I changed to a different pair of pants and bought cute lil halberd earrings, since actual halberds aren't allow for safety reasons. I also bought boot covers, since I didn't have luck ordering actual knee-high boots (they didn't zip over my massive calves LOL). The boot covers are difficult to put on because of all the buckles, but they look so good!

My mom took both the pictures in this article before I left LOL, she was more excited than me it seems!

Due to one of my friends getting sick, we only watched one show, which was the first Dark Knight's Joust (out of 3 they do throughout the day). We drove the sick friend home and went back to do some shopping (we had looked at all the venders already, but I hadn't decided what to spend my money on yet).

This year I didn't buy a lot of things, I spent my money on more expensive things though, so I spent around the same amount. I bought a little orange leather journal that came with a free random 'scribing kit', A glass dip pen, a dip pen rest (idk what else to call it) and a small bottle of ink! Of course I tested out the pen and journal when I got home, and the pen is scratchier than I prefer but it's still super cool! The pen happens to be orange and teal, my favorite color combo!

I also bought a stuffed dragon with opposable wings. He's green and teal plaid! more of my favorite colors, what luck! I'll have to think on what to name him LOL.

The last thing I bought is the most expensive and most exciting... I bought a sword! I didn't take any good pictures of it yet, but it exists and is in my possession! Yay!

I had difficulties getting the sword in the sword frog (the thing that holds your sword on your belt) I bought with it, and both the shop owners had to help me because the leather was too stiff and had been buckled too tightly! Both were very polite and asked permission repeatedly while fixing my sword frog. One of them joked that the sword is the size of me! I'm only 5'2 and it comes to my lower ribs-ish when held upright.

Overall, I had almost as much fun as last year! Last year was better because I was filled with wonder at all the new things lol! I really enjoyed the ride home with my friend Sage (he/him). We talked about getting me into punk stuff and queer activism (which he's pretty active in). He's got a ton of stuff he wants to text me links about both things and I can't wait to look through what he sends me!

My friends also invited me to Anime Fargo in September! I will be dressed as Nico from Nanbaka, if I get the costume done in time!

Well, here's to next year being as good as this one!