Part 1: Let's get started!

The cosplay is a custom design of a potential Heroes Summer alt for Henry from Fire Emblem. I originally designed this a few years ago and when I heard the theme for Anime Fargo 2025, Obligatory Beach Episode, I knew I had to revamp it!

Here's the concept art for a better version of my original design. This is the 'official' design now and I will be basing the costume of off this. I have not decided on the tome's cover desgn as of yet.
So far, I haven't ordered much for supplies yet either. This cosplay doesn't need to be finished until late September, so I have lots of time!
I got a perfect wig for him so I don't need to do much for styling at all. I also ordered some book binding supplies (I need to go to Fargo or Bismarck soon to get more supplies) and swatches of the fabric I'll be using for the towel cape.
I need to dye some white towel-fabric purple because I couldn't find a good enough color match. The most I've dyed in the past was some shoelaces so I'm a bit worried about how that will turn out, but I'll just trust the process. That's another thing I have to go to another city to buy though (there're no craft stores in my hometown sadly).
For the binder, I designed a simple cute pattern (which I might redo a bit) and just need to order the custom fabric from Spoonflower. The shorts, I just need to buy the fabric and some notions (thread, elastic, drawstrings, etc.).
The charm-thing on the hip is going to be interesting. I have an idea of how to make it? Paper Mache maybe? But I have no clue how to attach it to the shorts. That's a problem for Future-Ansehelm.