JRock Webring

Hello and welcome to the JRock Webring! This webring is for JRock fans of all kinds!


To join, email ansehelm.onlywonder@gmail.com the following information:

Name: Your name/nickname

Site: Your site name & link

Favorite band/artist: your favorite band or solo artist

Favorite song: your favorite song (will be added to a spotify playlist!)

Your site button (optional)

If/when you are accepted, you will get an email reply

Once you're accepted, add the following to your site!

If you joined the original version of this webring, please rejoin!

Name: Ansehelm
Site: Only Wonder
Favorite Band/Artist: ZOMBIE
Favorite Song: Rakuen - SID
Name: Ninja / Envy
Site: Pumpkin Ninja
Favorite Band/Artist: Dir en Grey
Favorite Song: 24ko Cylinder - Dir en Grey
Name: Seven
Site: Angelfishes
Favorite Band/Artist: Plastic Tree
Favorite Song: Monophobia - Plastic Tree
Name: Chuck
Site: The Chuckwagon
Favorite Band/Artist: tricot
Favorite Song: Girls in the Courtyard (中庭の少女たち) - SHISHAMO