Ansehelm's OCs 101

This page is for brief text-only descriptions of my OCs. Some will have links to further information, others will not.

Fandomless: Maritime Shadiness

These guys have their own website! I only included the ship crew here, but there are more characters in this universe!

Asu Naji (he/him) Captain of the merchant ship The East. Depressed as FUCK, deals with chronic pain but refuses to acknowledge that it's a problem. Due to a severe illness that wiped out the majority of his hometown, Asu lost his voice and now communicates via sign language and written word.

Abandoned his brother at an orphanage when he took up the family merchant business. Smoker and ex-alcoholic/gambling addict. Father to my friend's OC, Jin. Trans and pan and polyamorous.

Hassan Uzun (he/him) Asu's uncle (not blood related, he was just best friends with Asu's parents) and the Quartermaster of The East, was the Quartermaster when Asu's parents were co-Captains as well. Has been with Asu through Asu's worst times. Hassan has a below-the-knee amputation after an accident on The East, long before Asu took over. Also has a massive scar on his head from a different accident. Sometimes uses crutches rather than his prosthetic. The cishet guy(tm).

Leaf Ahlgren (she/he) An ex-mercenary that joined the crew of The East to be closer to her identical twin brother (and because Asu is hot, but mostly for her brother). As a Mercenary she was known as Älva and wore a spooky wooden mask. Has Congenital Insensitivity To Pain with Anhydrosis (CIPA) and is unable to feel pain, leading to a number of scars.

She has a religious symbol scarred into her forehead (by choice, it's a big deal in their community but it is rarely done due to the pain of it). Has a knee brace from a childhood injury that never healed right. ADHD haver. Trans and straight

Cypress Ahlgren (he/she) A parson/cleric who is super autistic about religion in general. Wants to know absolutely everything there is to know about his religion and other religions. Joined the crew to travel the world in search of more information. Resting bitch face to the extreme, really bad at masking and super monotone.

Also has CIPA and is covered in scars, more so than his sister as he was more reckless than she was as a kid. Has the same religious symbol on his forehead as Leaf does. Skilled healer and magic user. Likes to wear skimpy clothes and enjoys bothering Asu. The two bicker a lot. Cis gay and aro.

Zhi Feng (he/they) The newest addition to the crew, a traveling Cleric, Zhi joined the crew just for passage across the ocean but ended up sticking around longer than he intended due to enjoying the sea so much. He is ignorant of social customs and tends to over step. He enjoys bothering Cypress because he thinks they're closer than they are. Cy just finds him annoying. Biromantic asexual.

Qassim Naji (he/xie) Asu's younger brother, was abandoned at an orphanage after the plague. Resents Asu. Was cursed by a mage to periodically turn into a small cat. Best friends with Pomegranate and travels the world with her. Ends up running into Asu at some point and attempts to beat the shit out of him (Hassan and Pome stop him). Trans gay and ace.

Pomegranate O'Lantern (any/she) A person cursed to have a pumpkin for a head. She does not care though! loves the spooky aesthetic and enjoys confusing/scaring people. Has Ehler's Danlos Syndrome and uses finger splints and a cane. Traveling the world for funsies. Everybody's favorite OC. Her gender and sexuality are a mystery!

Fen Huo (he/him) A mercenary and Asu's ex. Was tasked with killing Asu at one point but took pity on him instead. Left home at 16 due to transphobic family. Met Berry a few years later. Married to Berry. Trans, pan, polyam

Berry Akaike-Huo (they/ey) A mercenary and Asu's ex. Enjoys explosives way too much. Fen, Asu and a few others call them Bear. Left home looking for adventure. Married to Fen. Genderqueer, Androsexual.

Fandomless: Visual Kei

Some visual kei inspired OCs.

Kouta "K" (he/him) Zombie bassist for the band kNIGHT's GUARD.

Goro (he/him) Demon vocalist of kNIGHT's GUARD

Utasuke "Uta" (he/they) Demon guitarist of kNIGHT's GUARD

UNNAMED (he/she) Incubus drummer of kNIGHT's GUARD

UNNAMED (they/them) Vampire violinist of kNIGHT's GUARD

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist

Mao Liu (he/him) One of Emperor Ling Yao's head guards. A kind guy who loves his family.

Kiri Fischer (she/her) The newest member of Emperor Yao's private guard. A butch Xingese lesbian with an Amestrian father.

Zhilan Liu (she/her) One of the women who were supposed to be Emperor Yao's 50 wives. Ended up staying at the palace despite not being forced to marry him. Mao's cousin.

Ai-Mei Han A princess of the Han clan, was supposed to be married to Emperor Yao but ran away to marry Anguo, a man from a rival clan. Sister of my friend's OC, Xiaoyu

Anguo Ren A skilled archer who ran away with Ai-Mei, a woman from a rival clan.

Jia Xu (they/ey) A Xingese-Amestrian sniper and alchemist. Part of the top-secret 501st Battalion, a group of highly skilled soldiers formed after the Promised Day andtasked with keeping end-of-the-world scenarios from happening.

Biyu Jiang (she/her)A Xingese woman who moved to Amestris with her late husband when she was pregnant with her daughter. Now a doctor and alkahestris in Dublith.

Fandom: Magi

Ansehelm (ey/he/they) A former slave, now member of Kouha's household. Hates being touched by anyone but Kouha.

Fandom: Nanbaka

Jubilee [#50] (he/ey) Arrested for stealing epipens and later for multiple jail breaks, Jubilee is now imprisoned at Nanba in building 13.