Fandom: Magi
Household Member

Ansehelm is one of Kouha Ren’s Household Members. They were rescued from slavery by Kouha Ren, and became incredibly loyal to him, serving as one of his four loyal assistants as well as a bodyguard of sorts.

When Ansehelm was 13, they and their family were forced into slavery. their personality became muted and shy, as their master would never let them speak.

A few months later, Ansehelm, now 14, and a large group of slaves were being moved across Kou in cage wagons. Ansehelm fell gravely ill along the trip and became unable to move. The slave caravan had a run-in with Kouha and his army, in which the slave owners pissed Kouha off, leading the prince to kill them and free all the slaves out of spite. Kouha gave the slaves the option to join him, or be escorted to the nearest town. None chose to stay. As they were heading out he noticed Ansehelm still in one of the cages. He asked why no one was trying to bring the “kid” with them. When the slaves told him that none of them knew Ansehelm, as they had been separated from their family, Kouha decided to take them in at least until he recovered from their illness.

Ansehelm’s recovery took just under a month. When they were well enough, Kouha gave them the option to leave, offering them escort to the nearest town, or join Kouha’s army. Ansehelm, not knowing if their family was alive or where they were, chose to stay with the prince.

In an attempt to gain his new attendent’s trust, Kouha bought them a metal face veil that they had been eyeing when they were passing through a market. This attempt did work, and Ansehelm slowly opened up to Kouha over the next year. Their personality soon returned to how it had been before they became a slave. They became louder and more talkative.

Ansehelm, along with other members of Kouha’s army, was present when Kouha obtained his Djinn, Leraje.

Sometime along the next 3 years, Ansehelm and Judar dated for an unspecified amount of time. Ansehelm has stated that, although their relationship ended on bad terms, they still care for him